Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Catching Up

My last blog post was over two months ago!  In my defense I did just have a baby eight weeks ago and I knew this would happen, I think I even warned you! So here is a quick catch-up on the last two months.

Much to my surprise Katherine Parker Croissant was born two weeks prior to her scheduled c-section date. A sweet baby girl weighing in at 5 pounds 12 ounces and 19 1/2 inches. Even now at almost two months she's still a tiny little thing, about 8 pounds. However, if she's anything like her older sister she'll make up for it soon enough! Here is the birth announcement we sent out.

I love thinking outside of the box when it comes to stuff like this, and I'm currently plotting and planning the family Christmas card!

Anyway, these first two months have flown by and have gone fairly smoothly. That is largely due to the fact that I had a lot of help! My mother hopped on a plane the morning I called to say "surprise the baby is here", and she stayed for seven weeks! I couldn't have made it through that time without her. Mothers are amazing people and I only hope I can be as good of a mother to my two girls as my mother is to me. 

So now it's my first week on my own. My mother is gone, my husband is working hard, and it's just the three of us doing our day to day. A twenty-one month old, and a two month old, and a mother who is just trying to figure out how to diaper one while feeding the other, and somehow manage to do all the other stuff that needs to get done around here! Women with more than one child and working mothers, how do you do it?! 

I am finding time to squeeze in a few fun projects here and there during nap time and I'm excited to share them soon! I posted this picture to Instagram last week.

This is the jumping off point of Logan's big girl room which I promise will get a post all to itself. The floral fabric is currently with the upholsterer, getting ready to make its debut on this chair.

Furniture and walls have been painted, new funky light fixture installed, and a big girl bed purchased! I can't wait to put it all together!

We have also been hard at work on our landscaping. When I say "we" I actually me the husband! The fence and sod were installed by a professional, but the trees (all 21 of them!), plants, weed mat, and rock were painstakingly done by my husband. Here he is with his biggest helper getting the job done.

As much fun as it is to build a house the unfortunate part about living in a brand spanking new neighborhood is the lack of mature trees. It may be ten plus years before it will  pay off to have planted so many trees, but I still think it was worth it. Pictures coming soon!

I know I'm making a lot of promises of pictures and blog post to come, but a promise is a promise. I'm working on my time management skills and writing an occasional blog post is a part of that! So stay tuned and don't give up on me!

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