Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Final Count Down...

If you're not already humming that epic 1986 hair band hit by Europe, allow me to get it stuck in your head with this YouTube Video . Welcome to my life's current theme song! 

OK, now that we're all on the same page please join me in counting down the 20 days I have left of being pregnant with Croissant number deux! I know I have 20 days left (unless I go early!) because I have a scheduled cesarean section on the calendar due to medical necessity, of which I will spare you the details. 

This made me realize I have yet to share my countdown belly bump photos with anyone this time around. While pregnant with Logan I used Photoshop to create this fun collage and shared on Facebook as the months went by.

 I also managed to create a similar photo collage for each of her first 12 months! 

Additionally I had some professional maternity shots taken right around the 34 week mark. It wasn't really something I was planning on doing but the photographer was working on her portfolio and so they were free! I guess looking back at them now I'm glad I have them, but not something I'm planning on doing with number two.

 However, as my aunt (a second child) has reminded me on numerous occasions sometimes baby number two's life isn't as well chronicled as the first one. Their baby books are never quite as full or detailed, there may not be quite as many pictures, or video of their first steps. I don't believe it's for lack of caring, but sadly it is usually true. My excitement for this baby is completely different than the first time around. There is still anticipation and great joy, but also a calm and a knowing I didn't have with number one. So maybe that's why parents let things slide a little.

However, not wanting to saddle this child the same second child complex my aunt suffers I came up with a photo collage for him or her also! 

I receive weekly emails from They have a great little comparison of your baby's weekly growth to a fruit or veggie. Along with approximate weight and length they provide added fun facts about fetal development that week . I thought it was fun to put it into that perspective, and so as an added twist on this baby's photo collage that is exactly what I did. 

Now I just have to come up with a new and creative photo collage for this next baby's first year, so it doesn't grow up and give me grief that I didn't do the same for them that I did for their sister! Wish me luck! 

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